Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Anxiety To Be An Overcomer

Every one of us has some good days and some bad days. Not one day is exactly the same as the last except for some rather usual routines. But, for example, one never knows what they will be confronted with on their way to work, at work, or when they arrive home. If you are in a relationship of any kind where someone lives with you be that a spouse, friend, co-habitation, children or elderly parents, there will always be something that you will need to do with.

Every Life Bears Issues
As we go through each of these days, some of our past issues will never be dealt with completely - there will be issues unresolved, or problems yet to be resolved. And, with each of these followers of life, there may be mounting levels of stress and anxiety compounded by new things to deal with.

What We All Can Use
There may be times when everything seems to pile up all at once and all demanding specific and dedicated action - but action where we know we cannot deliver with the same level of awareness, or energy. These are times, when we all need to take a little time out - like a time out for misbehaving children, we need a time out. So, what do you do to accomplish a time out that is effective and re-energizing?

Cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee. 
Psalm 143:8

Take This Special Time
Sometimes, we just never seem to take the time we need and one of these times we should is to spend time alone with our  prayers - to spend time with God and speak to him about our issues, troubles and ask for guidance, strength and the energy to move forward with our lives. We need to spend time with our God and thus denying Satan any foothold within our spirit.

Life can become complicated, too busy and where our time just seems to get eaten away with an assorted number of demands. But, if we do not recognize that we have been given 24 hours to do with as we need, surely some of this time can be devoted to re-energizing our spirit by a few hours within the company of our God.

It Only Requires A Little Time
You can overcome your anxiety if you allow yourself just a few hours of time to allow your spirit to be bolstered, to cleanse your soul, to openly talk about issues or difficulties without feeling that you cannot be totally honest. Give yourself an immediate anxiety fix - and add this sanctity into your life daily.

Passages from the Bible serve to enhance our vision of just what the Lord brings to us all. It is this kind of knowledge that allows us to take that special break away from all the normal happenings of the day and sit and speak with a God that sees all, hears all and give all


Life is full of many different types of people who bring about many different circumstances. Some make us to be very happy, some make us to be sad and some add value to our life.
This is an open letter to you. In whatever way you are now just know that it is for a reason. may be you expected love, care and somany other pleasures but got nothing in return.  may be you got a break up that took away your HOPE.
Hear me now all hope is not lost there is still too much you can do. Any sitiuation we find our selves in as long as we live is a spring board for another level. It all depends on the way you see it. If you see it as a way to "give up" and loose HOPE  then you will definitely give up. Here me now  i had a relationship i was into and it was like the day it endS i will die, but like every thing that is not for you it will definetly go no matter how hard you try to keep it. I was left in my own house all alone. I felt like i should take my life but i didnt; i saw it as a spring board for me to go to my next level. Gradually i overcame it and i fannaly met the best person who was meant for me.
You reading this leter know that all is not over know that there is much for you to do; wheather you are rolling in millions or wailing in poverty just know that you can get out and move to a more better level. All those who are cellebrated today are celebrated because they accepted to make the difference. you too should stand out and get your name to the anals of history.


Life is full of many different types of people who bring about many different circumstances. Some make us to be very happy, some make us to be sad and some add value to our life.
This is an open letter to you. In whatever way you are now just know that it is for a reason. may be you expected love, care and somany other pleasures but got nothing in return.  may be you got a break up that took away your HOPE.
Hear me now all hope is not lost there is still too much you can do. Any sitiuation we find our selves in as long as we live is a spring board for another level. It all depends on the way you see it. If you see it as a way to "give up" and loose HOPE  then you will definitely give up. Here me now  i had a relationship i was into and it was like the day it endS i will die, but like every thing that is not for you it will definetly go no matter how hard you try to keep it. I was left in my own house all alone. I felt like i should take my life but i didnt; i saw it as a spring board for me to go to my next level. Gradually i overcame it and i fannaly met the best person who was meant for me.
You reading this leter know that all is not over know that there is much for you to do; wheather you are rolling in millions or wailing in poverty just know that you can get out and move to a more better level. All those who are cellebrated today are celebrated because they accepted to make the difference. you too should stand out and get your name to the anals of history.


Love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection ("I love my mother") to pleasure ("I loved that meal"). It can refer to an emotion of a strong  attraction and personal attachment It can also be a  virtue representing humankindness,compasion, and affection—"the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another" It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals
Non-Western traditions have also distinguished variants or sybiosis of this state This diversity of uses and meanings combined with the complexity of the feelings involved makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, compared to other emotional states.
Love in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships  and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts.
Love may be understood as a function to keep human beings together against menaces and to facilitate the continuation of these species.
believe me today Jesus christ is the real LOVE. If you are douting who to love try him.


Many people have talents and gifts and potentials loaded deep in them. Many give those potentials to be used but many let those potentials to lie dormant in them. We are each created  in our own way and God has filled us with different potentials gifts and talents. All we need to do is to activate that gift or that potential or that talent; the are meant to be expressed and made known to the world. You are the way you are and doing the things you are doing because you don't know you are far much better than that. a prince does not mingle with commoners because he knows that he is far above the level of the commoners. If you know that you are bigger and greater than what you are now you will change the way you carry your self   around; you  will change the kind of things you do and above all your personality will change. You reading this know that you are not a product of biological mistake; you are wonderfully and beautifully made by God for a unique reason. There are no two same people like you; you the only one with the character physique and moral. Dont let the enemy give you reasons to do what is wrong for money fame or what ever condition he may put. It is not late to stop what you are doing. it is not late to change, just make up your mind now for Gods future for you is the best. Jesus Christ is the only way the truth and the life he loves you your life and your soul. do not be deceived time is short and time is gone. make the healthy decision today and have the rest of your life in contentment and enjoyment. Jesus Christ is real answer his call and all shall be well with you.
Image result for make the difference


Many people have stayed where they are and are doing what they are doing because they have refused to take that first and most important step. Nothing is easy; but when done brings great fulfillment and joy. What is that thing in your mind that you are planning to stop or planing to do. Are you planing to start a fabulous and well paying business or to write a book or even to stop that bad habit that you are doing presently. what ever it is just take that step which will enable you do it. I am talking as somebody who was once caught up in this same dragnet. I  used to drink and smoke and it made it impossible for me to take care of my needs and that of my siblings i would waste all the money i get on drinking and smoking. today i do it no more. Somebody might say i just stopped it because i was not addicted to; it but believe me it was part of my life if i didn't smoke or drink then i felt like dying the next moment. what made it easy for me to stop it was the fact that i took the first step. this step was hard for me to take but i finally stooped it. on my own accord; i could not do it but i met this man who transformed my life. HE took me from the dust and made me a hero. today i am a counselor who help people who suffer from similar things which i had gone through. my friend this man is JESUS CHRIST he made my life a new and believe me he can do the same for you. he can help you take that first step and go with you till the very end without stopping. May be its a project you want to start and you are scared of taking that first step trust me he will see you to the end if you take that step with him.  JESUS CHRIST is ready to see you through it. May be it is an addiction you are trying to stop and its like it just cant go; believe me JESUS CHRIST is ready to help you take that first step which will get you out of that situation. He loves you so much just open up to him and he will help you out. Don't be contented with your present level. what God has is plan for you is far bigger than this present level in which you are. May be He planned that you are going to have a fleet of cars yet you are contented with the single car you have. he is ready to help you go to your next level. a level far greater and far bigger than what and where you are now. Just cling to  JESUS CHRIST and he will see you out and help you take that first step that will take you to the next level of your life.



Who says that where you are is the best you can be or become? whoever told you that or who ever made you to believe that where you are is the best you can achieve is merely deceiving you. You can go and do far much better than what and who you are now. You just need to believe that true you ca do far better than what you are now; believe that you can go to a higher and far better level compared to what and who you are now. trust that one and only one person can take you to that level. he is going to take you to that level a no cost. that person is the almighty JESUS CHRIST. This man can hold your hand and take you to your best position in life. may be you think that having a car and a house which you own now is the best position for you. or the fact that you eat and have the daily needs; and even that which you save. don't be contented with where you are have the desire to be better than that which you are now because that is Gods desire for you. my friend may be situations are hitting and tying you down. or may be there is something you are expecting and it is not coming. this cause you to be weighed out as days pass. am telling you now that those are all tricks by the enemy to make you feel that that is the best level you can attain my friend that is not true. There is your true level ahead of you. just cling to God and he will with the help of his son JESUS CHRIST take you to that place where your imagination is showing you. that place where you dream of  and the place where you will be celebrated. my friend believe me you are better. you are better.


Most at times we tend to feel that living alone and doing what you feel is correct alone is what that matters much in life. hear me now TWO ARE FAR BETTER THAN ONE. Try to find somebody who will join you so you have a tag team, to work on; and go on with that particular thing you are doing. You may feel that this applies to those who are still single or those who have nothing to do with others; hear me now even if you are married you still need somebody to get council from; you still need somebody who you can tag with and do something which will take you to the next level of your lives like husband and wife. You may be single and you already have all you need for your life. hear me now you need somebody to tag with. Somebody who will complement you in just every thing you do. Let me tell you now; whether you are single, a family or even an institution you need somebody to tag and cling to. On your own you cannot do it all; but believe me when you tag with somebody even the hardest thing to do become very easy to do. I know somebody reading this is saying to his or her self  humans are very UNRELIABLE that's true we humans have a nature that makes us very unreliable. We are natural and that's what makes us the people we are. We are so dynamic that it is hard to predict and even when; we are know it is hard to really trust what we know due to one reason or the other. I want to introduce you to somebody who is not only reliable but very RELIABLE. He never fails, he is never late, he is all doing and doing all what you ask from him. This is the man you have to tag with in all you do. He is called JESUS CHRIST. He is the ruler and owner of the world so if you tag with him you know your family life business and friends are well secured. he is always ready to tag with us for life; so it is now your choice to tag with him. Join him and the two of you will be greater than one. Make the wise decision and tag with JESUS CHRISTHe is never failing and has never failed. You will not be the first person he fails. 


Many people are held captive today by some sitiuations because they refuse to think, act, live, and do positive things. They are limited to a scope which is not too good for them and their families. Some people grew up in a humble home not too wealthy and so they too believe that they are going to be poor as well. If you are one of such; i tell you be positive. May be you came from a home that every child has been a sicklin, may be you too were always sick and this has made you to believe that you too will give birth to children who are sicklin and they will waste your money. I tell you now be positive. I am telling you this from an experience i have had. I grew up in a very romote and local town in the armpit of africa. Everybody around me was either very poor very sick or very dirty and always looking shabby. This persisted for some time up till the point where i refused to belong to that category; i change my mindset and developed a  very positive mind set. I became very positive. Due to that decission i took some years back, today i am diistinct among the many; i am clean, always in good health and i can say i am clearly a difference because i can speak english, give teaching and counsel to many people now.  I have many people who are looking up to me now for advice help and much more. My friend, whatever you are doing from now you can use that to be a reccord setter. You can choose to be positive, change your mindset and start setting reccords that many will struggle to break. If you are becoming weary and defeated because of a reccord some one created and you see it imposible to break; i say no. Change your mind set and start beign positive. To  efficiently do this you need help from articles like this and you need the supreme beign; that is the one and only; T.JESUS CHRIST He is all you need to break that reccord that is tormenting you in the mind, he is all you need to set that reccord that will cause others after you to work. Believe me JESUS CHRIST is all you need. put him in your life all you start beign positve. Iand many others are a proof of this truth.



Who told that you are making a last there? You have a long way to go before you reach the end. Things might seem like its not going any more but here me now There is still a step you have to take; and it may be the most decisive step of your journey. Let me tell you this the step you take depends on who you make the step with. I want to tell you today if you make this decisive step with Jesus Christ you are bound to make a difference. The step will be different from all other steps and you will be filled with confidence and the out put will be great. Take a step with JESUS CHRIST today.
#hope for all


There is always a main main man at the helm of every thing big that you do or are about to do. No matter how small you think that thing you are doing is but believe me it is a solution to a problem the world is facing. You just need to believe in yourself and uphold the flame and take that thing to the end. Be at the fore front and be the one to be seen at the end. You may want to write a book, sing a song or even paint a portrait but you are feeling weak and weary to do it. Believe me may be the book the whole world would want to read will be written by you may be the painting the whole world will want to see and pay for will be painted by you; don't be lazy, i say don't be lazy wake and go back to the drawing board. The role you have to play is small and simple. And remember though there are billions of individuals on the earth, we all have the possibility of making our voices heard. It is left for us to speak out. In as much as you have to speak out there has to be the main man behind the whole show and that man is nobody else but JESUS CHRIST he alone has the loudest voice on the surface of the earth. When he speaks all the other voice in the earth, on the earth, under the earth and around the earth stay silent. The only thing you have to do is to play your part and let him do the rest for you. Your part is to take the action that is required. This may be to  write that book sing that song and even  to paint that portrait. His part is to help you speak out loud. Because he has the loudest sounding voice your work and action will definitely be the best. I am talking from experience. He speaks for me in every step and action i take. He has spoken for many and is still speaking for many. Believe me you wont be an exception. He too will speak for you and whether you like it or not your work will be heard through his voice. Just rely on JESUS CHRIST and let him speak for you. If he speaks for you and that action is not heard keep giving him the chance and you will see. For it is always said the patient dog eats the fattest bone. Just be patient when you want him to speak for you and you will not regret doing something like that. he remains the main man in the show and will for ever be the main man in the show .


There is always a principal main gentleman in the helm of the factor major you carry out as well as are about to carry out. It doesn't matter precisely how little you think that will factor you do will be nevertheless imagine me it is a solution to a problem the planet will be facing. An individual just need to believe in yourself and also support your flame and also take that will factor towards the conclusion. Always be in the fore the front and turn into normally the one being seen at the conclusion. You may want to generate any book, play any track or even color any portrait nevertheless you are feeling poor and also careful to try and do it. Imagine me may be the book the world should read will be compiled by you will be your portray the world should observe and also spend on will be painted by a person; do not be lazy, my partner and i state do not be lazy aftermath and also go back to your attracting mother board. This purpose you need to enjoy will be little and also simple. And bear in mind although you'll find quantities of persons around the earth, we all hold the chance for generating each of our voices heard. It can be still left for individuals to be able to converse out there. Within up to you need to converse out there there needs to be the key gentleman driving the complete display which gentleman will be nobody more nevertheless JESUS CHRIST he alone provides the loudest style in the surface of the earth. Whenever he addresses other style in the earth, around the earth, beneath the earth and also about the earth remain noiseless. The one thing you should do is always to enjoy your current component and also let him or her carry out others for you personally. The component is always to take your activity that's needed is. This might be to write down that will book play that will track and in some cases to be able to color that will portrait. Their component will be that may help you converse aloud. Due to the fact he's your loudest sound style your projects and also activity will surely function as very best. I am speaking via experience. He or she addresses to me divorce lawyers atlanta action and also activity my partner and i take. He has verbal for many and it is nevertheless communicating for many. Imagine me a person wont be a great exemption. He or she far too 


Who told that you are making a last there? You have a long way to go before you reach the end. Things might seem like its not going any more but here me now There is still a step you have to take; and it may be the most decisive step of your journey. Let me tell you this the step you take depends on who you make the step with. I want to tell you today if you make this decisive step with Jesus Christ you are bound to make a difference. The step will be different from all other steps and you will be filled with confidence and the out put will be great. Take a step with JESUS CHRIST today.
#hope for all